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Do you constantly earn an “F” on your relationship report card?

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After a break-up, here’s some homework to help you earn that “A” the next time.

1)      As hard as it may be, force yourself to take a 6-month (or maybe more) dating hiatus to rediscover the things that are important to you and to become comfortable and confident again in your newly found solo skin.

2)      Re-evaluate not just what you feel your ex did wrong to destroy the relationship, but write down 5 things you would like to do differently going forward and use them as learning tools for offering a better you next time.

3)      Take a good look at what the trends have been in your relationships.  Identify recurring characteristics and review which ones are good and which traits are not as favorable, so you can be aware and course correct going forward.  If you feel you need professional help, seek it.

4)      Be open next time to dating someone who has similar values, hobbies, and goals but may not be the perfect 10 eye candy you’re used to.

5)      When you meet that special someone next time, wait before getting sexually involved as that often can lead to a cloudy view of love as opposed to the lust connection that it is.  How often do these relationships continue for years until you one day discover, we never really had anything in common at all?

Time is precious and now that you’ve moved on and have been afforded a DUOver, learn from it and get yourself on solid ground again.  Then you’re ready to find Mr. or Ms. Right and offer them the new and improved you without the baggage.  Nice work, you’ve earned an “A!”

Here’s to love!

Kelli Fisher, Certified Date Coach/Professional Matchmaker/ Blogger

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