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Ep:8 Jack A. Daniels-How To Get Out Of Your Own Way

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Do you often find yourself stuck in relationships, life, or business and wonder “what on earth could help me over the hump?  What’s holding me back from being fulfilled and going for the things I know I can have?”  As Relationship Coaches and Professional Matchmakers there are many clients who come to us at a crossroads, looking for direction and relief from habits and patterns that are just not working and quite frankly they don’t know how to overcome them.  So we thought for today’s episode, why not invite our good friend, Jack A. Daniels, The King of Breakthroughs, Psychotherapist, Host of the TV show BlackLove, and International speaker and coach to share some tips with us on how to move forward.  Don’t let fear, past mistakes, negative people or self-doubt hold you back any longer.  Today we’re facing it head on and starting the journey to success!

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.