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Marrying Mr. Or Mrs. Potential

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It brings joy to my heart when I meet men and women, and they are very excited about their upcoming nuptials. We discuss the obvious, how they met and what was the Ah-ha moment when they knew that he or she was the one. What gives me pause is when I hear the phrase “they have so much potential, I know they are going to eventually be somebody.”

Hmmm, let’s discuss potential. The definition of potential is: having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future.
“a two-pronged campaign to woo potential customers”
synonyms:possible, likely, prospective, future, probable;

So let’s make sure I understand you correctly. You are marrying him/her for what they “might be, possibly be, or may probably be? What about who’s standing in front of you now? Are you comfortable with the possibility of them NEVER becoming that person?

As a Certified Relationship Coach, I am often a mediator, an unbiased party, when trouble arises in relationships. I hear “I married you because YOU said you were going to law school or going to be a Politician or entrepreneur. YOU said we would be accustomed to living a certain lifestyle.” Really?? Did he/she sell you that pipe dream or did you sell it to yourself?

My thoughts are, if you are NOT comfortable with the person that is standing in front of you now (flaws and all), then you may not be ready. If you are prepared to accept them where they are TODAY, love them AND their current status, and not hold it against them later……

Tana Gilmore, Certified Relationship Coach/Professional Matchmaker/Blogger

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